Minggu, 19 September 2010

The easy way to be a good student

It's take a long time if want to be a good student. Everybody say study is very hard ever and ever. But, in the other condition, study is easy. Study makes us a best strategy, more intellegent, and make a friend easier.
If you want to be a great student, you must like reading a book. Yes, many people say, reading a book is some kind of boring activities. If you don't think you like that, what do you do if you need knowledge then work, from where do you need it? teacher? a wise man? The only way you become wise like a teacher, the first thing you must do is reading! without reading a book you can't hope what do you want ( science, pilot, alchemyst, teacher, doctor, leader, and the other). A good student understand why they need reading, because reading is the key to gain all knowledge.
The second tip is have enthusiasm or spirit. I always hear from my friend "I don't like ..... subject because is to hard to memorize. Don't say like that. I know it's too hard to memorize. But, if you have say that word from the beginning, you're spirit will decrease-decreasing and will gone. spirit is a good behaviour for student. Your hobby, usual activity and sport activity, are one of good activity you like it. If you want your spirit reborn again, you have to do some acitivities you like it and supporters from your parent, siblings, and friends.
That's all from me what I can say. "The easy way to be a good student"

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